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Outputs of Working Group 3

Integrated Report on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) for the NOWPAP Region

The aims of this report are to describe problems related to harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Northwest Pacific region and to identify necessary future activities of Special Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre (CEARAC) by tackling these problems. The information included in this report is mainly based on the National Reports submitted by the NOWPAP member states (China, Japan, Korea and Russia) in 2004.
- Full Text (2.55MB)
- Text (not include cover page and appendices)(978KB)
- Appendices (512KB)

National Reports

Booklet of Countermeasures against Harmful Algal Blooms in the NOWPAP Region

The objectives of Booklet of Countermeasures against HABs in the NOWPAP Region are to provide and share information on countermeasures against HABs implemented in the NOWPAP member states and to contribute to establishing policies and measures against HABs among stakeholders and related agencies.
We expect that this booklet is used to learn advantages and disadvantages of mitigation activities and to invent better methods and applications in order to terminate and mitigate HABs.
- Full Text (6.97MB)
- Text (not include cover page and appendix)(1MB)
Appendix (2.7MB)

HAB Case Studies Reports

The objectives of HAB Case Studies are to establish the most effective and laborsaving ways for sharing information among the NOWPAP member states about HAB occurrence, oceanographic and meteorological condition and nutrients in selected areas for HAB Case Studies. Each member state collect HAB-related information and made HAB Case Studies Reports.
- HAB Case Study Report in China (322KB)
- HAB Case Study Report in China (2009) (318KB)
- HAB Case Study Report in China (2010) (889KB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Japan (1MB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Japan (2009) (1MB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Japan (2010) (1.1MB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Korea (971KB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Korea (2009) (1.1MB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Korea (2010) (1.1MB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Russia (940KB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Russia (2009) (940KB)
- HAB Case Study Report in Russia (2010) (642KB)

Other outputs

CEARAC developed the procedures for assessment of eutrophication status including evaluation of land-based sources of nutrients for the NOWPAP region in order to assess the status and impacts of eutrophication in its respective sea area.
To share the information on the activities and measures implemented in the NOWPAP member states, we organized Coastal Environmental Assessment Workshop twice.
- Proceedings of the First Coastal Environmental Assessment Workshop

- Proceedings of the Second Coastal Environmental Assessment Workshop